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Green Drink Challenge

Rise and Shine: A 30-day Challenge to jumpstart your health goals. Get Ready to refresh and reset!

Green Smoothie

Alexis, NY

I am so grateful to Kathleen Healy Holistic Health for helping me get back on the right path towards a healthier lifestyle. Through her guidance and expertise, I was able to lose 36lbs and feel so much better. Kathleen's compassionate, educated, and empathetic approach made the weight loss journey much more manageable and enjoyable!

Sarah, NJ

"I signed up on the spot. Her personalized approach to coaching helped me stay accountable and motivated throughout my journey. The loving kick in the ass was just what I needed to lose those pesky 15 pounds. I highly recommend Kathleen's program to anyone looking to make positive changes in their health and lifestyle." 

Laura, NY

If you're ready to take control of your health, don't wait any longer to get started. I drove myself crazy trying to do this on my own. I wish I signed up earlier. With her guidance, you can make a real, lasting change in your life that you'll be proud of!"
Green Leaf

Ready to Refresh and Reset?

Are you tired of feeling stuck and frustrated when it comes to your health goals? Do you find yourself constantly struggling to lose weight or feel better, only to end up overwhelmed and discouraged? It's time to take action and make a change! Rise and Shine! Welcome back to the 30-day Green Drink Challenge jumpstart to help you kickstart your health goals and turn your intentions into reality.

Imagine how amazing it's going to feel when you finally follow through on your health goals with just one tiny step forward. With the Green Drink Workbook, you'll get an early sneak peek of what's in store! In this intimate group setting, we'll challenge and encourage each other to take that one step forward, and I'll provide actionable steps regarding nutrition, exercise, and mindset.

The best part? You can sign up for free! Invite your friends and family to download this beautiful and chic workbook, and check your email for the PDF version. Don't wait any longer to make a change - join the Rise and Shine - Green Drink Challenge today and take that first step toward a healthier, happier you.

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