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My Story

  • 15 years ago, I was walking into Target and was headed towards the latest weight loss pills and powders. As I was reaching for the new weight loss shake, I paused and thought, is this gonna fail me like the last 20 attempts? Right there and then I put down my basket of protein bars, powders and pills and literally said under my breath.. Something has to change. 

  • I  realized I had to do something different. As a result, I didn’t recognize myself in pictures, comments from family and friends stung more each time, and I untagged myself constantly from Social Media posts. I had bought every v-neck black shirt, tried counting calories, in and out of weight watchers, spent hours on the elliptical. I thought I was doing the “right thing!”

  • When I finally made the decision to lift the hood up, dive deep, get vulnerable and do the work, I started to FEEL better and it gave me enough momentum to keep going even through the sticky parts.

  • As a result this is what happened!

    • Lost 40 lbs

    • Became a runner

    • Fell in love

    • Confidence to change careers 

    • Peace around food

photo from farmers market
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Success, Happiness, Freedom 

Changing is hard - there's no doubt about it. But with the help of Kathleen Healy, I was able to make the necessary changes to my lifestyle and achieve my weight loss goals. Kathleen's intimate accountability and personalized approach pushed me out of my comfort zone and motivated me to start treating my body with the respect and love it deserved. With her guidance, I gained not only freedom, but also liberty and direction for my health and body. I highly recommend Kathleen to anyone who is serious about transforming their life for the better.

Laine Levinbrook, lost 12lbs 


As a health coach, I take a holistic approach to help my clients achieve their health goals. My I CAN METHOD combines a range of practices from nutrition and exercise to connection and spirituality. I believe that making meaningful connections between our food choices and the core 4 areas of our lives - movement, relationships, career and spirit - is imperative to living a healthy, balanced life. My approach is informed by bio-individuality, taking into account each individual's unique needs and preferences.

Green Smoothie with Chia Seeds

Wellness In the Workspace

Are you looking to promote holistic health and wellness in your workplace? Our team specializes in creating customized wellness workshops that cater to the unique needs of your business and employees. We offer a range of holistic health topics such as nutrition, stress management, and physical activity, with a focus on empowering individuals to take charge of their health. Our workshops are designed to be interactive, engaging, and practical, providing attendees with tangible tools and strategies that they can incorporate into their daily lives. 


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